What methods can I use to prevent floated child divs from wrapping?

I'm currently working on creating a carousel-like feature where users can select radio buttons within various div elements. The concept involves having approximately 20 divs, each 150px wide, containing radio buttons. I want to prevent these 20 divs from wrapping once they reach the right edge of the container. Initially, I attempted to set the container's overflow to hidden, but that approach did not yield the desired outcome. Here is the basic HTML layout:

<div class="scheduler">
  <div class="scheduler-inner">
        <div class="item">...</div>
        <div class="item">...</div>
        <div class="item">...</div>
        <div class="item">...</div>
        ...<div class="item">...</div>
  <a class="scheduler">...</a>
  <a class="scheduler">...</a>

My main goal is to receive some CSS advice regarding this issue. Ideally, I do not want a scrollbar appearing on .scheduler-inner, and intend to utilize JavaScript for moving the .item left or right upon clicking the anchors. How should .scheduler-inner be formatted? Currently, my CSS looks like this:

.scheduler-inner { overflow:hidden; }
.scheduler-inner > div { float:left; width:10em; } 

However, it seems that the items are wrapping as soon as they hit the boundary of .scheduler-inner.

Answer №1

To achieve what you're looking for, apply the style white-space: nowrap; instead of using floating elements.

Add the nowrap property to your container and set your items to display inline. You can see an example in the following jsfiddle link.

Check out this jsfiddle example: http://jsfiddle.net/of5dmjux/

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