What methods are available for implementing hover effects within attributes using a JavaScript object?

const customPanelStyle = {
   'background-color': 'red', 
   'border': '1px solid green',
        'background': 'blue'    
class some extends React.Component{
   <Panel header={value} key="1" style={customPanelStyle} >


I'm having trouble implementing the hover attribute in this case. The example I tried doesn't work. Any suggestions on how to make it function properly?

Answer №1

To enhance your code, make sure to include the Radium library

import Radium from 'radium';
 some = Radium(some);
    const customPanelStyle = {
       'background-color': 'red', 
       'border': '1px solid green',
            'background': 'blue'    

If you want to learn more about Radium package, check out this link

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