What is the typical method for preserving a specific gap between two lines when the line spacing surpasses the margin?

My workplace provided me with a wireframe that looks like this:

Description of the image above: Maintain a margin of 10px between the lines and utilize the specified css class .font16.

This is what the .font16 class contains :

font-size: 16px;
line-height: 22px!important;

Here's what I've done so far:

My code without using the font16 class :

<div><div style="margin-bottom:10px;">A quick brown fox</div><div>Jumped over the</div></div>
The margin between them is exactly 10px.

My code with the font16 class :

<div><div class="font16" style="margin-bottom:10px;">A quick brown fox</div><div>Jumped over the</div></div>

When adding the font16 class, the margin between the lines seemed to increase due to the line-height.

To maintain a 10px margin between them, here's what I did:

<div><div class="font16" style="margin-bottom:7px;">A quick brown fox</div><div>Jumped over the</div></div>

The calculations used in the snippet above: I subtracted the font size from the line-height i.e. 22px-16px = 6px which are divided equally above and below the text. Therefore, 10px - 3px = 7px. Hence, applied a bottom margin of 7px to ensure a 10px margin remains between the lines.

Am I following the correct approach here? Are my calculations regarding line-height and margin accurate?

Note: I am unable to alter the values of the font16 class.

Answer №1

After analyzing the initial sketch, it appears that there should be a 10px gap between the lowercase letters. Assuming both divs are meant to have the class font16, the solution is quite simple. Just rely on CSS to handle the calculations for you!

  <div class="font16" style="margin-bottom:calc(10px + 1ex - 22px);">A quick brown fox</div>
  <div class="font16">Jumped over the</div>

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