What is the significance of positioning a:hover after a:link and a:visited?

While studying CSS, I encountered a confusing rule that states ':hover' must come after ':link' and ':visited'.

In practice, to visit a link we first need to click on it, and in order to click the link, we usually hover over it. So why are there constraints on the order in this case? Can someone please clarify?

Answer №1

When CSS selectors are of equal specificity, rules are applied sequentially.

For example, if an anchor element is both a link and being hovered over, both corresponding rules will be implemented.

a:hover { color: blue; }
a:link { color: red; }

Since the anchor is being hovered over, it would normally display as blue. However, since it is also a link, the red color rule takes precedence and overrides the blue color, making the hover rule somewhat obsolete in this scenario.

This highlights the importance of understanding selector specificity when writing CSS rules.

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