What is the secret to ensuring a contenteditable div only accepts plain text?

One issue I have encountered is that when copying and pasting styled text into a div textarea, the style remains attached to the text. Although setting contenteditable='plaintext-only' can resolve this problem in Webkit browsers, it does not work in other browsers.

Is there a way to restrict a div to only allow plain text input?

If you need a point of reference, check out this link: https://jsfiddle.net/w25dnuen/

Answer №1

Check out this demonstration of a text area that expands based on the content you input:


The functionality of the elastic text area is made possible by an external script called jquery.elastic.source.js, which can be found here:

Now that you have explored these resources, let's delve into how it works. The script includes an "update" function that simply adds whitespace when reaching the end of a row like so:

// Add an extra white space so new rows are added when you are at the end of a row.
$twin.html(textareaContent+' ');

Additionally, there are specific functions for setting the width and height of the text area dynamically:

// Updates the width of the twin. (solution for textareas with widths in percent)
function setTwinWidth(){
    var curatedWidth = Math.floor(parseInt($textarea.width(),10));
    if($twin.width() !== curatedWidth){
        $twin.css({'width': curatedWidth + 'px'});
        // Update height of textarea

// Sets a given height and overflow state on the textarea
function setHeightAndOverflow(height, overflow){

    var curratedHeight = Math.floor(parseInt(height,10));
    if($textarea.height() !== curratedHeight){
        $textarea.css({'height': curratedHeight + 'px','overflow':overflow});

All of this functionality is part of the elastic feature. Hopefully, this breakdown sheds some light and proves useful to you.

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