What is the recommended method for incorporating a frontend npm package that includes both CSS and JavaScript?

Recently, I've started using NPM and Gulp in my workflow. Up until this point, I've only dealt with NPM packages that consisted of either only JavaScript or CSS/SASS. Typically, I would either copy the package to a vendor directory to work with it (like with Bourbon) or let Gulp grab the file and concatenate it to my main.js or main.css.

  • Do I separate the CSS from the JS in the fancybox NPM package and process them individually (copy, concatenate, rename, etc.)?

Even after reading various blogs on handling NPM (Frontend) Packages, I'm still unsure of the best approach for managing packages like these.

Any thoughts or ideas?

Answer №1

It is acceptable to rely on the package installed in node_modules (or bower modules) itself.

You have the option to add both css and js files to the respective vendor.css and vendor.js files generated by your build system.

Personally, I prefer not to copy it to a vendor folder, but instead include it directly in the vendor file.

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