What is the reason this JavaScript code functions properly within a <script> tag but not when placed in a separate .js

After researching various image sliders online, I came across this specific one. It worked perfectly fine when I included the JavaScript directly in a script tag within the HTML file. However, as soon as I tried to link it via a .js file, the slider stopped functioning, and I couldn't determine the root cause of the issue. The console output indicated an error reading "addEventListener" at line 10. Any insights or assistance would be greatly appreciated!

* {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  box-sizing: border-box;

html {
  overflow: hidden;

Answer №1

As @evolutionxbox mentioned, it's important to ensure that your JavaScript is included in the right place. If the JS is included in the header or before the elements it references in the HTML, those elements may be null when the script runs.

To avoid this issue, you should make sure your script runs after the document is fully loaded. One way to do this is by wrapping your code in a function and attaching it to the window onload event.

Your script setup could look like this:

function yourScript(){
/* Your script goes here */

window.addEventListener("load", yourScript);

Alternatively, you can use:

window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", yourscript);

This will run your script after the DOM has been parsed, but before all external content like images have finished loading. This should work well for most scripts.

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