What is the reason for the lack of functionality with marginTop when using nth-of-type?

Why isn't the margin-top applied when using nth-of-type, but it works fine when passing the value 3?

<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
    .rc105 .rc105-subheader:nth-of-type(2) {
      margin-top: 32px;
<section class="rc105 rc105v0" >
  <div class="cwidth">
    <div class="rc105-subheader">
      <div class="rc105-ttl">
      <p class="desc"> together.
        <a href="#" class="link">Learn more </a></p>

    <div class="rc105w1 rw-scrim-neutral-40bg">

    <div class="rc105-subheader">
      <div class="rc105-ttl">
      <p class="desc"> platform.
        <a href="#" class="link">Learn</a></p>

    <div class="rc105w1 rw-scrim-neutral-40bg">


Answer №1

When using nth-of-type, it specifically targets the element type you specify, such as a div.

It's important to note that it doesn't refer to the nth occurrence of a class in the selector.

The reason why '3' works is because the class being targeted is the 3rd div within that particular node. Conversely, '2' does not work because the second div doesn't have that class; instead, it has a different class like rw-scrim-neutral-40bg.

In practice, nth-of-type is more commonly used with the element itself in the selector, for example: div:nth-of-type(#) or p.something:nth-of-type(#)

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