What is the reason behind a flex-item collapsing when it has a display property set to flex, unless it is assigned an explicit width of 100%

                    .container { 
                      display: flex;
                    .component {
                      display: flex;
                      //width: 100%;
                      height: 10px;
                      background-color: red;
                    <div class="container">
                      <div class="component"></div>

When the width: 100% is removed, the .component collapses and disappears. When set to width: 100%, it becomes visible.

I am puzzled as to why this happens. The default setting for display: flex includes a width of 100%, so why do I have to explicitly specify width: 100%?

From what I understand, the .component is treated as a flex-item, which defaults to a width of auto. This means that the width collapses to fit its content, but since the .component has no content, it collapses to 0. However, because it has a display of flex, which normally comes with a default width of 100%, there should be no need to manually set the width to 100%.

Answer №1

Your initial gut feeling is accurate, but there are some nuances to consider. The logic behind why a flex element defaults to a width of 100% isn't solely due to the behavior of the flex property itself; rather, it's because flex elements are treated as block-level elements (unlike their inline counterparts, inline-flex).

Similarly, when you nest a flex container within another flex container, the inner one doesn't automatically expand proportionally like you might expect. This is because a child element of a flex container inherently has its flex property set to 0 auto by default (basically meaning don't grow or shrink, and let the browser decide the basis). It operates almost as if you manually assigned a width of auto.

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