What is the proper way to showcase an element positioned absolutely within a Dialog window using material-ui?

My current project involves using React, TypeScript, StyledComponent, and MaterialUI.

I am looking to add a button to a Dialog window (material-ui) similar to the design shown in this example image.

However, when I apply position: absolute to the button, the result is not as expected with a cropped appearance like in this result image.

I have attempted to use z-index on the button but it did not help me achieve the desired outcome.

How can I correctly add the button in this scenario?

Answer №1

To remove the overflow-y from the dialog paper, simply include the PaperProps property in your dialog component with style set to { overflowY: "inherit" }.

    style: { overflowY: "inherit" }

For a working example in JavaScript, check out:


More information on the Dialog API can be found here.

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