What is the proper jQuery traversal method to display a single templated element?

Utilizing handlebars as the view engine for node.js, the subsequent html content is dynamically produced and repeated: http://jsfiddle.net/4Q5PE/

<div class="btnsContainer">
  <div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">
    <label class="btn btn1"><input type="checkbox" class="theBtn1">btn1</label>
    <label class="btn btn2"><input type="checkbox" class="theBtn2">btn2</label>
    <label class="btn btn3"><input type="checkbox" class="theBtn3">btn3</label>

<div class="Div1" style="display:none;">div1</div>

<div class="Div2" style="display:none;">div2</div>

<div class="Div3" style="display:none;">div3</div>

Furthermore, there's jQuery code to toggle elements, but all the matching repeated elements are displayed together:

$(document).on("change",".theBtn1",function () {
    var $that = $(".Div1");

I have experimented with various jQuery traversing methods like .parent, .children, .siblings, .next, and .previous, but what combination will effectively display only ONE element?

Answer №1

If you want to simplify the process, consider placing the target divs within another container like this:

<div class="btnsContainer">
    <div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons>
        <label class="btn btn1"><input type="checkbox" class="theBtn1"/>btn1</label>
        <label class="btn btn2"><input type="checkbox" class="theBtn2"/>btn2</label>
        <label class="btn btn3"><input type="checkbox" class="theBtn3"/>btn3</label>

    <div class="Div1" style="display:none;">div1</div>
    <div class="Div2" style="display:none;">div2</div>
    <div class="Div3" style="display:none;">div3</div>

Then, you can use the following code:

$(document).on("change", ".theBtn1", function () {
    var $nxt = $(this).closest('.btnsContainer').next();

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