What is the process of using an if statement in jQuery to verify the existence of a property in a JSON file?

I am working on a task to incorporate an if statement that checks for the existence of a specific property in a JSON file. If the property exists, I need to display its value within HTML tags <div class='titleHolder'> and

"<div class='posterHolder'>"
. I only want to include this property X between these two divs if it is present in the JSON file.

$(document).ready(function () {

    $.getJSON("js/appjson.json", function (data) {
        for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            $('#jsonLoad').append('<a href="movies.html?id=' + data[i].id + '" + <div class="itemsHolder">' +
                "<div class='titleHolder'>" +
                "<h2 >" + data[i].name + "</h2>" +
                "</div>" +
                "<div class='posterHolder'>" + data[i].posterPath + "</div>" +
                "<div class='summaryShort'>" + data[i].summary + "</div>" +
                "<div class='raiting'><p>" + data[i].imdb + "</p></div><div class='genderMovie'> " + data[i].gender + "</div> " +
                "<div class='directorNdScreen'>" + 'Director by ' + " <p class='director'>" + data[i].director + '</p>' + '  ' + ' Screenplay by ' + "<p class='screenplay'>" + data[i].screenplay + "</p>" + "</div>"
                + "</a>")


Answer №1

Try breaking down your append section into separate variables and then combining them together. This approach might be helpful?

 $(document).ready(function() {
 $.getJSON( "js/appjson.json", function(data) {
 for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
       var content_append = "normal content";
          content_append = "content here with data[i]"



Answer №2

'<div>' + 
(condition === condition2)? 'data1' : 'data2' +

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