conceal menu upon click (gradually disappear)

This is a basic HTML/CSS menu. Currently, it is functioning properly for page redirection (href).

However, I would like it to hide after being clicked on.

I plan to call a function that will initiate an AJAX request upon clicking.

Here is the code on JSFiddle

Answer №1

Here is the solution you've been searching for:

I have implemented a click event on the anchor elements, preventing the default behavior with a return false statement to halt the request. Your ajax request can be inserted in this section. I devised a workaround by adjusting the position of the "ul" element to trigger a mouseout event and ensure it disappears before repositioning it to its original location.

Answer №2

Initially, if I grasp your query correctly, you will need jQuery for the task at hand. Why? Because JavaScript is not aware of which CSS properties are affecting a specific element.

Furthermore, the method in which you are utilizing CSS is not appropriate. You are blending design and functionality, which can lead to issues like the one you encountered. CSS was not designed to handle tasks such as displaying or hiding menus. While it can be done, CSS is primarily used for styling elements, even dynamically. However, once user interaction comes into play, complications can arise. So tread carefully!

The jQuery solution would look something like this:

    $('ul').on('click', 'li a', function()

Check out the demo here

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