What is the process for turning off bootstrap form validation?

I am facing an issue with utilizing the default input email validation in my development project. It seems that Bootstrap, which is being used for the website, has its own validation mechanism. Whenever I begin typing in a Bootstrap input field, an error message is already displayed:

On the other hand, the default input type email validation allows for typing before determining if the input is valid, which aligns with what I want to achieve.

My question is, can I disable the Bootstrap form validation and instead use the default one?

  <input type="email" name="email">
  <input type="submit">

Answer №1

After some investigation, I have discovered the reason why bootstrap inputs exhibit different behavior compared to non-bootstrap styled inputs (special thanks to makshh for shedding light on the fact that bootstrap does not use form validation!)

In bootstrap: input:invalid class is styled regardless of focus

Without bootstrap: input:invalid class is initially styled, but the styling is removed once focus is lost

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