What is the process for integrating CSS-styled text into CKEditor?

Currently, I am developing plugins that are designed to incorporate various elements like images and tables into the editor. My objective is to be able to view these elements in their final visual form within the editor itself. To achieve this, I plan on adding CSS classes to the editor and utilizing them to style text directly within the editor. I would prefer for this styling to occur instantaneously, allowing me to observe how these elements will appear after being rendered.

I am curious if there is a method to accomplish this. Is it possible to accurately perceive these elements as they'll look once published by using a plugin?

Your insights and guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Absolutely, you have the capability to do so.

Within your editor, you will come across a dropdown menu containing pre-configured CSS styles that can be applied to your content.

If you are unsure how to use this feature, detailed instructions can be found in the documentation:

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