What is the process for converting x and y coordinates to align with a fixed display?

When I make an API call, I am receiving X and Y coordinates in the following format:

x: "-0.0120956897735595703"
y: "0.147876381874084473"

To display these coordinates on my minimap images, I have set their display to be absolute. The "left" and "top" properties are set to the X and Y values using the code

style={{left: player.x, top: player.y}}
. However, it seems like the numbers are too small to render properly. Currently, all the images are appearing in the top left corner due to the minuscule x and y coordinates.

I'm wondering what type of coordinates these are in my API call and how I can convert them into CSS-friendly values for "Top" and "Left" so that they are accurately displayed on my minimap.

Here is the component code for reference:

const Minimap = (props) => {
  const { players } = props.data.data
  return (
      <div style={mapStyle} className="realMinimapContainer">
      {players.map(player => {
        const heroName = localizedList[player.hero_id].replace('npc_dota_hero_', '');
        return (
          style={{left: player.x, top: player.y}}
          className="mapIcon" src={
            player.hero_id === 126 || player.hero_id === 128 ?
            newHeroes[player.hero_id] :

Following the advice of @FelipeMateusMalara, I made some adjustments but the images still seem a bit off.

You can see where the images should be positioned in relation to the red arrow I drew below:

Answer №1

After analyzing the data received from the API call, it appears that the coordinates are in a normalized form ranging from -1 to 1. The negative x coordinate values indicate their placement within this range. It seems that the API's coordinate system has its origin at the center while your display's coordinate system originates at the top left corner. To properly align the coordinates with your display, you will need to adjust them by multiplying with the size of your display and shifting them according to your display's origin:

player.x = (API.x + 1) * display.width
player.y = (API.y + 1) * display.height

Answer №2

If you take those numbers and increase each by 50 after multiplying them by 100, you will accurately position them on the map. The result of the x expression should be applied to the left css directive, while the result of the y expression should be set as the bottom css directive, both in percentage.

Why is this approach effective?

This method works because the point of origin for these directives is at the 50% mark rather than at 0%. Therefore, converting the values into percentages (by multiplying by 100) and adding the missing 50% will ensure the correct positioning.

Answer №3

It is difficult to determine the exact meaning of the numbers presented without more context. It seems possible that these numbers represent changes in values rather than fixed positions, especially considering one number is negative. To gain further insight, it may be helpful to inspect the debugger tools you are using to see if there are additional x/y coordinates available. Alternatively, you could continuously update a global variable with these delta values, although this may not align with your desired approach.

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