What is the best method to ensure that an image remains at the bottom of a div even as the div's height adjusts?

In my current project, I am facing a challenge with positioning an image in the bottom-right corner of a dynamically changing div. Initially, this is easily achieved by using CSS selectors:

#div1 {
    position: relative;

#div1 img {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 0;
    right: 0;

The issue arises when the height of the div fluctuates due to nested list elements showing and hiding on hover events. As the div's height changes, the positioned image does not move accordingly. How can I ensure that the image sticks to the bottom of the div regardless of its height adjustments?

Answer №1

Unexpected error occurred. There may be a bug lurking in another part of your program.

Answer №2

Here's an idea: mimic a borderless table by incorporating two rows - the text in the first row and the picture in the second row.

Answer №3

Have you noticed any fluctuations in the height of your div as its content is modified? To provide a more accurate response, please share additional code snippets (html, js, css).

Answer №4

To properly structure your div, consider breaking it into separate corners contained within an outer box element. Think of it as structuring a website with a header, body, and footer elements. Remember to avoid using Javascript whenever possible.

For inspiration, take a look at this example from Nifty Corners:

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