What is the process for aligning Item1 to the left and Item2 & Item3 to the right using MUI React?

I'm working on a component that contains three different Typography components. I need to align "summary" to the left, while 'miles' and 'duration' should be aligned to the right.


Here's the code snippet:

<Stack direction="row" spacing={1} divider={<Divider orientation="vertical" flexItem />} justifyContent='flex-end'>
    <Box align='left'>
        <Typography sx={{ verticalAlign: 'middle', display: 'inline-flex' }}><DirectionsCarIcon /> {Math.round(totalDistance * 0.000621371192 * 10) / 10} Miles</Typography>
        <Typography sx={{ verticalAlign: 'middle', display: 'inline-flex' }}><AccessTimeIcon /> {totalDuration}</Typography>

I've experimented with the justifyContent attribute but haven't had any luck. As someone new to CSS and styling, I'm unsure of the best way to approach this situation.

Answer №1

<Stack direction="row" spacing={1} divider={<Divider orientation="vertical" flexItem />} justifyContent='space-between'>
    <Box align='left'>
    <Stack direction="row" justifyContent={"flex-end"} spacing={1}>
          <Typography sx={{ verticalAlign: 'middle', display: 'inline-flex' }}><DirectionsCarIcon /> {Math.round(totalDistance * 0.000621371192 * 10) / 10} Miles</Typography>
          <Typography sx={{ verticalAlign: 'middle', display: 'inline-flex' }}><AccessTimeIcon /> {totalDuration}</Typography>

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