What are the steps to implement infinite scrolling in a Vue.js application?

Currently, I am attempting to implement an infinite horizontal scroll section in vuejs for a selection of products. However, I am facing difficulties achieving the infinite effect. My approach so far involved removing the card that goes out of view and adding it back as the last card. Unfortunately, this method resulted in a strange snapping effect instead of the desired smooth scroll.

If you are interested, you can view a CodePen here showcasing the smooth scroll using scrollTo with the behaviour set to smooth.

I would appreciate any suggestions or recommendations for a better alternative to simply removing and adding a card to the end to achieve the infinite scroll effect. Thank you!

Answer №1

Utilize scroll detection to determine when the scroll has reached the end and add more items dynamically;

Check out this example on how to implement it!


<div :style="height:350px ';overflow-y: auto;overflow-x: hidden;'" @scroll="onScroll">

We have set a fixed height for the container in this case, suitable for vertical infinite scroll. However, it can be adjusted for horizontal scrolling as well.

We use the @scroll event listener to detect scrolling and invoke the onScroll(e) function


  if((e.target.offsetHeight + e.target.scrollTop) >= e.target.scrollHeight) {
    // Place your logic here! This could involve requesting data from an API and appending it to the list of items

This function checks if the scroll has reached the bottom and triggers the specified action.


You can incorporate a transition group in your HTML to achieve a visually appealing effect when new items are added.

If your items are static or hardcoded, there are alternative methods available. Feel free to reach out if you need assistance with that.

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