What is the position of an image within a div when its CSS position is set to absolute

My div has a position:absolute setting because I need it to be able to show/hide on my page.

However, now I want to add a Close Button in the top-right corner, but I am unable to do so because my div is already positioned absolutely.


If possible, please provide a solution without using JavaScript.

Thank you

Answer №1

If you want to position the button in the top right corner, you can include the following CSS properties:

top: 0;
right: 0;

Add these styles to your .closeBut selector. For a demonstration, check out this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/mJ6LG/

Answer №2

Placing children in absolute positioned parents using absolute positioning is perfectly fine. If you want to position it in the top right corner, you can use the following code:

.closeBut {
  top: 10px;
  right: 10px;

Check out the demo http://jsfiddle.net/XYZ456/2/

Answer №3


.addList {
 border:5px solid #c5330e;
 margin-top: 15px;
 padding: 25px 25px 20px 0px;
.closeBut {
 background:url(/img/close.png) no-repeat;
 width: 42px;
 height: 20px;
 border: none;
 padding-top: 0px; padding-right:0px;
.closeBut:hover {
background:url(/img/close_hov.png) no-repeat;


Give this a shot!

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