What is the most effective way to prevent a <pre> element from overflowing and instead horizontally scrolling when placed within a table cell that is not

I am faced with the following situation:

                <pre style="overflow: scroll;">
                    (very long lines of text)

Find my JSFiddle here: https://jsfiddle.net/x7n8w02f/

In this specific context, I have taken into account these points:

  • The <table> cannot be set to table-layout: fixed (on the actual webpage it has a width: 100% while in the JSFiddle it's width: 600px).
  • The width of the <td> varies.
  • No wrapping should occur within the <pre> tag and whitespace must be maintained.
  • The content inside the <pre> should occupy the full width of the <td>.
  • If the content within the <pre> exceeds the width of the <td>, it should horizontally scroll within the bounds of the <td>.

Despite my efforts, I haven't found a viable solution for this!

All the solutions I've come across so far impose certain restrictions on the document and stylesheet:

  • Using table-layout: fixed on the <table>.
  • Assigning an absolute width to the <pre> with overflow: scroll (or overflow-x: scroll), for example, width: 500px as opposed to width: 100% (which doesn't function as intended).
  • I have experimented with different combinations of CSS properties such as white-space, word-wrap, overflow, and overflow-x without success.

Answer №1

To meet the requirements correctly, it seems advisable to place the pre element within an absolutely positioned box inside a relatively positioned td element. Here is an example of how this can be achieved.

table {
  border: 1px outset #999;
  width: 600px;
td, th {
  border: 1px inset #999;
.pre-container {
  position: relative;

pre {
  border: 1px solid red;
  overflow: auto;
    <td>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.</td>
    <td class="pre-container">
      <pre>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nisl nisi, volutpat eget tempus vitae, iaculis non magna. Phasellus efficitur ante ipsum, eget posuere diam dapibus at. Sed vel leo sit amet sapien feugiat congue. Nunc lorem velit, bibendum eu dignissim eu, efficitur ultrices metus. Suspendisse accumsan dolor ut tortor maximus, et volutpat velit eleifend. Donec commodo malesuada auctor. Proin cursus euismod porttitor. Duis posuere id ex sollicitudin vestibulum. Sed nisi odio, imperdiet ac mollis sit amet, luctus id odio. Fusce laoreet libero non nunc ornare, ac pharetra mi rutrum. Quisque rhoncus vehicula lorem, sit amet consequat neque. Nullam sodales ligula ac orci tincidunt semper. In efficitur magna ut viverra eleifend.

Donec luctus purus nunc, id suscipit nisi dignissim quis. Vivamus vel ligula massa. Proin nec scelerisque ligula. Mauris tristique metus enim. Quisque blandit nunc at nunc maximus laoreet. Nunc nisl sapien, lacinia vitae risus vitae, rutrum interdum nibh. Nunc a sem sem. Ut leo lectus, tempus a sagittis eu, mattis eu orci. Pellentesque dignissim mi diam, et sollicitudin leo facilisis pretium. Ut et tempor dolor. Suspendisse laoreet odio elit, at ultricies justo pellentesque quis. Vestibulum et diam ac ipsum laoreet maximus ac eu elit. Integer et elementum urna.

Curabitur sagittis tortor eu justo laoreet, nec pharetra massa congue. Duis hendrerit venenatis diam, non suscipit arcu. Quisque aliquam pretium mauris, ac cursus risus eleifend nec. Nulla non sem ac mi auctor tempus in nec velit. In cursus vel ex nec pellentesque. Etiam consequat eget libero nec dictum. Vestibulum viverra neque vel urna semper vehicula. Praesent ac felis sollicitudin, convallis nisi vel, consequat lorem. Morbi eu elit at enim tempor maximus vel ut magna. Integer dignissim convallis consequat.

Fusce aliquam libero in sem volutpat rhoncus. Suspendisse vulputate interdum nibh non efficitur. Morbi massa dolor, egestas a sodales a, rhoncus quis turpis. Vivamus velit erat, rutrum vitae lectus sed, luctus vulputate augue. Aenean elementum tortor eros, eget hendrerit purus viverra eget. Praesent ultricies pulvinar gravida. Nullam pulvinar feugiat laoreet. Fusce sit amet est facilisis, mattis erat a, consectetur felis. Sed eleifend faucibus felis, eget auctor nunc egestas suscipit. Sed in lobortis mi. Phasellus aliquet elit at tristique ullamcorper. Nullam augue eros, ornare et nisl ac, tempor volutpat sem. Praesent in felis vehicula, imperdiet mi eget, laoreet diam.

Praesent at tellus diam. Fusce vulputate, ipsum non vulputate vehicula, elit sem viverra mi, eu suscipit arcu leo et mi. Curabitur nec dolor ultrices, bibendum eros hendrerit, gravida ex. Donec ac porttitor erat. Nullam gravida egestas mi, vel tristique ante suscipit nec. Nullam ut ante rhoncus nisi varius feugiat. Pellentesque aliquet tincidunt ante vitae sollicitudin.</pre>
    <td>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.</td>
    <td>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.</td>

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