JavaScript takes the spotlight before CSS

Currently experiencing this issue in Chrome, although Firefox seems to be working fine so far.

Here is a greatly simplified version of the problem:


<div class="thumbnail">
  <a href='#' id="clickMe">Click me!</a>


div {
    width: 200px;
    height: 300px;
    background-color: purple;
a {
    position: absolute;
@media (max-width: 991px) {
    div {
        height: 200px;


$(document).ready(function () {
    var $parent = $('#clickMe').parent();
    function resize() {
            top: $parent.offset().top + $parent.height()-$('#clickMe').height()
    $(window).on('resize', resize);

The issue at hand:

When resizing (without dragging), the JavaScript sets the position of the <a></a> element before the CSS applies any height changes if the window size is less than 992px.

As a result, the button ends up visually outside of the div rather than on the border where it was originally intended to be.

Temporary solution proposed in this post:

jQuery - how to wait for the 'end' of 'resize' event and only then perform an action?

var doit;
    $(window).on('resize', function(){ clearTimeout(doit); doit = setTimeout(resize, 500); });

Not satisfied with the temporary solution:

In my case, waiting for the end of the resizing event isn't necessary. I simply want my JavaScript to run after the CSS has finished loading or applying its changes. Using the provided function feels sluggish as it randomly triggers the JS when the CSS may not be fully applied yet.

The question remains:

Is there a way to ensure that JavaScript executes only after CSS has completed making modifications during a resize event? Any techniques in JS to achieve this?

Additional Information:

Please note that testing this on jsfiddle might yield different results due to my extensive CSS file and the utilization of Twitter Bootstrap, both of which can slow down the CSS application process. Your insights are welcome.

Miljan Puzović suggested a solution involving loading CSS files via JS, then triggering JS changes when the CSS event comes to a close.

Answer №1

I believe that following these straightforward three steps will help achieve the desired outcome (make sure to carefully read and understand each step):

  1. For any layout issues related to responsiveness and fluidity, it is best to address them using CSS rather than JavaScript.

    Therefore, eliminate all JavaScript code from your implementation.

  2. The inner element a#clickMe has been positioned absolutely in your script.

    This means it will be positioned relative to its closest element with a position: relative;. Since no other element has this style (by default, they have position: static), it will be positioned within the body element according to the provided style. If you want it to be positioned relative to its parent container, add position: relative; to the div.thumbnail element.

  3. Based on the script you provided, it seems like you want to place a#clickMe at the bottom of div.thumbnail.

    Now that we've established the positioning context for a#clickMe within div.thumbnail, simply add bottom: 0px; to the a#clickMe element to position it accordingly, regardless of its parent's height. This adjustment will automatically adapt when the window is resized without requiring additional scripting.

The revised code snippet looks like this (view fiddle here):


 /* No script needed. */


div {
    width: 200px;
    height: 300px;
    background-color: purple;
    position: relative; //added
a {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 0px; //added
@media (max-width: 991px) {
    div {
        height: 200px;

If you're still interested in media query change detection, check out these resources:

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

Twitter Bootstrap - how to detect when media queries starts

Bootstrap: Responsitive design - execute JS when window is resized from 980px to 979px

Answer №2

That temporary fix you implemented is quite clever (I've used a similar one in the past for a different issue, personally I don't think half a second is too long of a wait time for users but it might not suit your specific requirements...).

Have you considered another approach that involves handling everything through javascript and removing the @media (max-width.... from your css? It's a possibility worth exploring if you haven't already.

function adjustSize() {
    var windowWidth = (window.innerWidth > 0) ? window.innerWidth : screen.width;
        top: $parent.offset().top + $parent.height()-$('#clickMe').height()


Answer №3

To enhance the styling of your HTML page, remember to place the link to the CSS file in the head section. Then, make sure to include the link to the JavaScript file right before the closing /body tag. By following this order, the CSS will consistently load before the JS scripts are executed. I trust this tip proves beneficial for you.

Answer №4

Have you attempted binding the resize handler not to the window but to the specific object you want to monitor for resize events?

Instead of

$(window).on('resize', resize);

You could try

$("#hoverHere").on('resize', resize);

Alternatively, you may consider

$("#hoverHere").parent().on('resize', resize);

Answer №5

let isResized = false;
$(window).resize(function() {
    isResized = true;
setInterval(function() {
    if (isResized) {
        isResized = false;
        console.log('Window has been resized');
}, 250);

Answer №6

I concur with falsarella's suggestion to utilize CSS for achieving your desired outcome.

However, if you wish to incorporate JavaScript functionality after applying the CSS, you might consider utilizing requestAnimationFrame. Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to test this personally as I could not replicate the issue you described.

According to the MDN documentation:

The window.requestAnimationFrame() method informs the browser that you want to execute an animation and requests the browser to call a specified function to update an animation prior to the next repaint. The method requires a callback function argument to be executed before the repaint occurs.

You may want to attempt something along these lines:

var $parent = $('#clickMe').parent();

function resize(){

        top: $parent.offset().top + $parent.height()-$('#clickMe').height()

window.onresize = function(e){


Answer №7

Does anyone have a solution for delaying the execution of JavaScript until after CSS has finished loading?

Have you considered using

$(window).load(function() { /* ... */ }
? This method ensures that the function is only executed once the entire page, including CSS, has been fully loaded.

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