What is the method to limit the width/height of an image without exceeding its original size?

When using tailwindcss 3, I found that setting a max width and height for an image required the following code:

.img_preview_wrapper {
    @apply  border-2 m-2 border-gray-400 rounded-lg  md:w-11/12 xl:w-8/12;
    height: auto;

This worked well for larger images, but smaller images did not display correctly and appeared broken.

How can this issue be fixed?

UPDATED CODE : Using the following class definition:

.img_preview_wrapper {
    @apply border-2 m-1 p-1 border-gray-400 rounded-lg md:w-11/12 xl:w-8/12;

I achieved a similar view to what I desired:


However, when showing a border around the image, how can I remove the empty space inside the border on the right side of the image?

Answer №1

Have you considered using a max-height property?

.img_preview_wrapper {
  @apply border-2 m-2 border-gray-400 rounded-lg md: w-11/12 xl:w-8/12;

.img_preview_wrapper img {
  object-fit: contain;
<div class="img_preview_wrapper">
  <img src="your_image_url" class="max-w-full max-h-full" alt="Image Preview">

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