What is the method for adjusting the font size of the label in an Angular mat-checkbox element?

I've been trying to adjust the font size of a mat-checkbox's label, but no matter what I do, the component's default styles keep overriding my changes:

  1. Using !important
  2. Trying ::ng-deep
  3. Applying a global style in styles.scss

<mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="reportOption.AllSelected" *ngIf="reportOption.SelectAll" (change)="onSelectAllChange($event, reportOption)" style="margin-left:5px;" class="custom-checkbox">Select All</mat-checkbox>

Check out this example problem for reference.

Answer №1

In my global stylesheet, I made changes like the example below (extracted from my actual code, assuming I have

<body class="my-app">...</body>
) and written in scss. I customized styles of classes defined in Angular Material, particularly those related to checkboxes as shown here:

.my-app {
    .mat-pseudo-checkbox-checked {
        background-color: #000;

    .mat-checkbox-frame {
        border-radius: 0 !important;

    .mat-checkbox-indeterminate {
        .mat-checkbox-background {
            background-color: #000;
            border-radius: 0 !important;

    .mat-mdc-checkbox {
        --mdc-checkbox-selected-checkmark-color: #ffffff;
        --mdc-checkbox-selected-icon-color: #000000;
        --mdc-checkbox-selected-focus-icon-color: #000000;
        --mdc-checkbox-selected-hover-icon-color: #000000;
        --mdc-checkbox-selected-pressed-icon-color: #000000;
        --mdc-checkbox-state-layer-size: 0;
        --mdc-checkbox-unselected-focus-state-layer-opacity: 0;

        &.mat-mdc-checkbox-disabled {
            .mdc-checkbox {
                .mdc-checkbox__background {
                    --mdc-checkbox-disabled-selected-icon-color: transparent;

                    .mdc-checkbox__checkmark {
                        @include color(inherit);

        .mdc-checkbox {
            .mdc-checkbox__background {
                @include square(16px);

        .mdc-form-field {
            --mdc-typography-body2-letter-spacing: normal;

Answer №2

Here's the solution that worked for me:

    ::ng-deep .mdc-label {
      font-size: 16px;
      font-family: Montserrat, sans-serif;
      font-weight: 400;
      line-height: 24px;
      letter-spacing: .5px;

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