What is the mechanism through which Material Icons determine the appropriate icon to display according to the element's content?

Can anyone explain how the icons in this specific structure function?

<span class="material-icons">

I've been exploring the Material Icons repository in an attempt to comprehend how the icon is displayed based on the HTML content, but I'm struggling to figure it out.

My guess is that it has something to do with the font files, however, when I try to open them in Font Forge, nothing seems to load.

EDIT: I am already familiar with using Material Icons themselves, but what I'm trying to grasp is how to replicate this feature with my own custom icon font.

Answer №1

Typically, in this scenario, you would execute the following command:

npm i material-icons

This installs the material-icons package in your project directory (check your package.json file!). Therefore, when you mention a specific icon like accessibility_new, you are essentially pointing to the library stored within your project folder. Does that clarify things for you?

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