What is the ideal solution for resolving the problem of loading HTML page content in this specific situation?

Currently, I am working on an HTML website project where I am integrating header and footer content from separate HTML files into each page using jQuery. However, I have encountered an issue while the page is loading. Upon loading, the content initially shifts to the top-left corner before appearing correctly once the entire page has loaded. I am unsure why this anomaly is happening and how to resolve it. To better illustrate my problem, you can visit one of the pages on my website: Link to webpage If anyone can offer assistance in rectifying this issue and improving the loading process, it would be greatly appreciated. I am also willing to provide any additional information if needed.

Answer №1

It seems like the issue lies in the order of loading the header and footer before the html document (DOM) is fully prepared. It would be best to utilize the document.ready function within your script tag as demonstrated below. By implementing this adjustment, your problem should be resolved.

<script type="text/javascript>



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