What is the current importance of CSS3 vendor prefixes?

I've been pondering the importance of specifying vendor prefixes like 'webkit', 'moz', 'ms' or 'o' in modern CSS. It seems that Opera has switched to Webkit, meaning we may no longer need '-o-'. IE10 eliminated the need for '-ms-', but what about older versions? And as for '-moz-', the current status is a bit unclear.

All my CSS3 styles seem to be functioning smoothly on updated browsers without any prefixes, so I'm curious about what is essential and what isn't in mid-2014.

EDIT: I'm really just looking for an updated list of required prefixes and the conditions under which they are needed.

Answer №2

While modern browsers tend to work well without vendor prefixes, there are still compelling reasons to consider using them from time to time. Here are 3 points to keep in mind and decide for yourself when it's necessary:

  1. Not everyone is using the latest browser versions, so compatibility could be an issue.
  2. Using vendor prefixes doesn't hurt your site, and may actually enhance performance without causing any damage.
  3. If you're utilizing services like for prefixes, it's a simple copy-paste process that adds value with minimal effort.

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