What is the correct way to set the height and width for mat-select?

Can anyone help me figure out how to use flexbox to display two columns side by side? The first column should be a mat-input input box and the second one a mat-select dropdown. I want both items to have the same width with a gap between them, so I've tried calculating the width using the following code:

width: calc((200% - #{$gap}) / 2);

I chose 200% because I want the child elements' width to be half of the parent's width. However, I'm encountering two issues:

  1. The first column is not being displayed.
  2. The width and height of the second column are not as expected.

If you can assist, please check out the StackBlitz Demo.

Answer №1

To create the UI shown above, utilize flex-basis and width attributes in your code.

Take a look at the demonstration here: Demo

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