What is the best way to verify that the normalized CSS is functioning correctly in AngularJS?

How can I verify if the normalized css is functioning correctly in Angular.js after importing normalized.css into the style.css file? When I try to import by using Cntrl + click, it displays a "file not found" error message.

The steps I followed to add normalize.css are: 1) npm install --save normalize.css 2) Included @import '~normalize.css'; in my style.css file 3) Added

under styles in my angular.json file.

Answer №1

To determine if specific styles are applied to the html tag, look for the following properties:

line-height: 1.15;
-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;

You can explore other styles that are included by examining the normalize.css document found in the package files on Github at this link: normalize.css

Answer №2

Testing the HTML file by including ul and li tags. If these are displayed without dots, it will indicate that the file is functioning correctly. Another way to test is by writing h1, h2, h3 tags to compare their sizes.

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