Having trouble loading NEXT JS images when the file path is stored in a variable?

I'm working with Next.js for my coding project and I have a array of images that I need to incorporate into my application.


<Image src={require("../assets/image1.png")} />
This code snippet works perfectly fine and displays the image without any issues.

However, when I attempt this approach instead: CODE2

const path= "../assets/image1.png"
<Image src={require(path)} />

Next.js throws an error stating that the module cannot be found. Error: Cannot find module '../assets/image1.png'

I also tried the following:

<Image src={require(`"${path}"`)} />

But unfortunately, I still encounter the same error message. Error: Cannot find module '"../assets/image1.png"'

Additionally, I attempted adding a backslash before the path like so: const path = "/../assets/image1.png"* However, this method also resulted in an error.

Please note that in all three scenarios, the image path remains consistent, but only code 1 functions correctly. Any assistance on resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

In my opinion, the task you are attempting may not be achievable. The require function is unable to handle dynamic paths.

One alternative approach you can take is:

const path = require("../assets/image1.png")
<Image src={path} />

However, I suggest placing static images in the public folder for better organization. You can find more information on this at https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/static-file-serving.

You can easily use these images within the image component by simply passing the path like so:

<Image src="/image1.png" />

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