What is the best way to utilize multiple .css files on distinct components within a React application?

Working on a project with two separate .jsx files each representing a different component.

The first one is called Blog.jsx

import React from "react";
import '../assets/css/blog.css';

export const Blog = () => (
        <h1>Hello Blog</h1>

Accompanied by its own CSS file, blog.css

div { background: #ff481f; }

Then we have the second component, Landing.jsx

import React from "react";
import '../assets/css/landing.css'

export const Landing = () => (
        <h1>Hello Landing</h1>

With its corresponding CSS file, landing.css

div { background: #86ff2b; }

Upon implementing routing and adding instances of both components in the App.js file (the main file in a React application), an issue surfaced. When navigating between components, the background color remains the same for both (only loading the styles from landing.css).

How can I resolve this problem so that each component utilizes its respective CSS file correctly and loads it accordingly?

Answer №1

Typically, webpack and similar build tools will consolidate all CSS files into one, even when CSS is imported from separate JSX files. This means that using different CSS files may unintentionally impact other parts of the page.

To work around this issue, there are a few options available:

  1. Implement BEM for naming class names.
  2. Utilize cssModules. With cssModules, each element will have its own unique class name, minimizing the risk of styles affecting unintended elements unless the :global selector is used.

Answer №2

Avoid using html tags as css selectors, as it is considered a bad practice due to the described behavior.

It is recommended to use only css classes or inline styles. Using id's is also discouraged as they have high priority.

div {
  width: 20px;
  height: 20px;

#id {
  background: red;

.class {
  background: green;
<div id="id" class="class"></div>

When using css classes and encountering similar class names, consider utilizing css modules or css-in-js for resolution. BEM methodology can also be beneficial in such cases.

CSS modules will append a random hash to your classes, ensuring uniqueness and avoiding conflicts.

CSS-in-JS allows you to write styles with JavaScript, enabling dynamic styling based on requirements.

While pure CSS, SCSS, and PostCSS are options, many companies opt for either css modules or css-in-js for their projects.

BEM provides naming conventions for better organization of class names.

Lastly, when using inline styles in React, remember that {} constructs new objects on each call. To prevent unnecessary re-renders, define styles outside the component class.

Answer №3

Avoid defining your CSS using HTML tags as it can have a global impact on your application.

Instead, consider using className, id, or inline styling methods.

For example: App.css

.myApp { color: red; }
#myApp2 { color: blue; }


import './App.css'

<div className="myApp">Color changed by className</div>
<div id="myApp2">Color changed by id</div>
<div style={{color:'red'}}>Color changed by inline object styling</div> // inline styling

Answer №4

If you're looking to streamline your CSS imports/loads, this may not be the ideal solution for you.

However, if you prefer a quick fix without delving too deep into CSS, this method could work best for you while allowing you to continue working with HTML tags.

One approach is to add a div for each component, assign an ID to the div, and wrap the component within it. This way, in the component's CSS files, you can define all styles starting with the #ID selector to ensure that only the corresponding component is affected by the CSS classes or HTML tags.

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