What is the best way to transfer all li elements with a certain CSS style to a different ul?

I have a task to relocate all the <li style="display:none;"> elements that are currently nested under the <ul id="bob"> into another <ul id="cat">. During this relocation process, it is important that all the classes, ids, and CSS styles of the elements are preserved, along with the content itself.

Answer №1

Here's a simple way to move hidden list items:

$('#bob > li:hidden').appendTo('#cat');

This code snippet will transfer all hidden li elements within the ul#bob, including those with style="display:none;".

Elements can be considered hidden due to various reasons:

  • They have a CSS property of display: none;.
  • They are form elements marked as type="hidden".
  • Their width and height are explicitly set to 0.
  • An ancestor element is hidden, causing the element to not be visible on the page.

Learn more about the hidden selector in jQuery documentation

If you specifically need elements with style="display: none;", you can use .filter() along with a regular expression like this:

var pattern = /^\s*display:\s*none\s*;?\s*$/gi;
$('#bob > li').filter(function ()
    return pattern.test($(this).prop('style'));

The regular expression provided is case- and whitespace-insensitive, allowing the semicolon to be optional, as per valid CSS syntax. If these details do not matter, a simpler one-liner approach can be used:

$('#bob > li[style="display:none;"]').appendTo('#cat');

Answer №2

Adding the hidden list items under "bob" to the element with id "cat".

Answer №3

Remove all hidden list items inside the element with id "bob", then append them to the element with id "cat".

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