What is the best way to target the final n children using CSS?

Is there a way in CSS to target and style the last N elements of a parent container? The number of elements we want to match is not fixed, but could vary. How can this be achieved using CSS?

Answer №1

Without a doubt, utilizing the :nth-last-child(N) pseudo-class is crucial.

li:nth-last-child(-n+12) {
  /*your css declarations*/

This specific selector demonstrated above will target the last 12 list items within any type of list, whether it be ordered or unordered:

Answer №3

If you need to target the last child using CSS, go with the ":nth-last-child" pseudoclass or ":nth-last-of-type" for type-specific targeting. Following that, you can utilize the "~" selector to choose all subsequent siblings:

.container > *:nth-last-child(13) ~ * {  }


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