What is the best way to target elements that have the contentEditable attribute set to true using CSS?

Can someone help me style table cells that have contentEditable set to "true"? I've tried various CSS selectors like td[contenteditable], td[contenteditable=true], and td[contenteditable="true"], but none seem to work. Is there a specific selector for this, or do I need to resort to using JavaScript?

Below is the HTML code:

<table class="table table-bordered">
    <th>editable content</th>
    <td>Lorem ipsum</td>
    <td contenteditable="true">I'm editable!</td>
    <td>Lorem ipsum</td>
    <td>Lorem ipsum</td>
    <td contenteditable="true">I'm editable!</td>
    <td>Lorem ipsum</td>
    <td>Lorem ipsum</td>
    <td contenteditable="true">I'm editable!</td>
    <td>Lorem ipsum</td>

Answer №1

For a more visually appealing appearance, try using four spaces in front of the first line of your answer to format it as text.

When utilizing your sample HTML code, the selector td[contenteditable="true"] should function correctly. You can view an example of this working on this link.

If you encounter issues with compatibility, consider the possibility of using an outdated browser. However, according to this resource, most modern browsers support CSS 2.1 standards by now.

To troubleshoot any CSS-related errors, remember to check your Browser Debug Console (accessible in many modern browsers by pressing F12) for any relevant information.

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