What is the best way to showcase two SVG clocks on a single webpage?

The issue arises when combining the desktop and mobile versions of the clock script. The first clock works fine on its own, but upon duplicating another set of scripts for the second clock, it encounters display problems. I have appropriately labeled the codes for the first clock as "For desktop version" and for the second clock as "For mobile version" to distinguish between the two sets of codes.

<!--For desktop version-->      
    <div id="svgtimedesktop">   



While attempting to resolve the issue in the mobile version by adding a number 2 to all relevant functions and IDs, the problem persists. Even after making those adjustments, the second clock continues to display incorrectly when combined with the desktop version. The mobile version works perfectly when isolated. What further modifications are needed to rectify this? Below are the modified codes for the mobile version.

... Mobile version code edits here ...



<rect id="backGround" x="50" y="50" width="300" height="200" fill="black" stroke="#444" stroke-width="5"/>
<rect id="backGround" x="53" y="53" width="294" height="194" fill="none" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="1"/>

<g id="clock3D">
 <circle id="red" cx="-150" cy="-150" r="4" fill="red"/>
 <circle id="green" cx="-150" cy="-150" r="4" fill="green" opacity="0.3"/>

<text id="date" x="80" y="240" font-size="20" fill="white">



... Further content if necessary ...

Answer №1

There seems to be a problem with the elements on the page all having the same id.

<rect id="backGround" x="3" y="50" width="247" height="200" fill="black" stroke="#444" stroke-width="5"/>
<rect id="backGround" x="3" y="53" width="247" height="194" fill="none" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="1"/>

(there are actually 4 rects with the same id).

This is causing functionality issues. Each element needs a unique id and the code should reference the correct element id.

You also have duplicate javascript functions, but it's not an issue now since they are the same. However, once you give each element a unique id, this duplication will matter. You can change the mobile functions by adding "mobile" in front of the function names e.g. startUp could become mobileStartUp.

An advanced solution would involve modifying the javascript so that the methods use element id names like:

function startUp(backgroundName) {

      var myBack = document.getElementById(backgroundName);

and then adjusting the call to be startUp("background") or startUp("mobileBackground") so separate functions aren't necessary.

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