What is the best way to replicate an HTML element's style properties in JavaScript or jQuery?

Is there a way to clone the style object of an element so that I can reset the styles back to their original values after making changes? Here's an example:

el.style.left;      // 50px
curr_style.left;    // 50px;

Modify the elements style.
The cloned style should still hold the original properties from when it was cloned.
el.style.left = '20px';
curr_style.left // should still return 50px.

I attempted to copy the style by assigning a variable to el.style, but that didn't work as any changes made to the style were reflected in the cloned object due to referencing. Then, I tried using jQuery's object extend method like this:

var curr_style = $.extend( {}, el.style );

However, this method doesn't seem to be returning the expected results as curr_style.left is undefined.

If anyone has suggestions or solutions, please share! Your help would be greatly appreciated.

To retrieve each property, I ended up doing the following: (based on advice from @Raynos)

$.fn.getStyle = function(){
    var style,
    el = this[0];

    // Fallbacks for old browsers.
    if (window.getComputedStyle) {
        style = window.getComputedStyle( el );
    } else if (el.currentStyle) {
        style = $.extend(true, {}, el.currentStyle);
    } else {
        style = $.extend(true, {}, el.style);

    // Loop through styles and get each property. Add to object.
    var styles = {};
    for( var i=0; i<style.length; i++){
        styles[ style[i] ] = style[ style[i] ];

    return styles;

Answer №1

let current_styles;
if (window.getComputedStyle) {
    current_styles = window.getComputedStyle(element);
} else if (element.currentStyle) {
    current_styles = $.extend(true, {}, element.currentStyle);
} else {
    throw "unsupported browser";

styles contains properties that are not enumerable, causing issues with .extend. It is recommended to use the getComputedStyle method to access an element's styles.

To ensure compatibility with older versions of Internet Explorer, consider extending element.currentStyle, which does have enumerable properties.

Setting the first argument to true instructs jQuery to perform a deep clone operation.

Answer №2

If you simply want to reset styles, I recommend using the cssText property of the style object. This method is supported in all major browsers and offers a straightforward solution.

Check out this example on jsFiddle:


Here's some sample code to demonstrate:

// Preserve the original style
var originalCssText = el.style.cssText;

// Modify a style property of the element
el.style.fontWeight = "bold";

// Reset the styles
el.style.cssText = originalCssText;

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