What is the best way to remove CSS styling from a select element?

My select element is displaying blank option values no matter what I do. The dropdown has the correct number of options, but they are all empty. Here's the HTML snippet:

<label for="accountBrokerageName">Brokerage:</label>
<select id="accountBrokerageName">
   <option value="Interactive Brokers, LLC"></option>
   <option value="Vanguard"></option>

I suspect that some CSS from another library is causing this issue by overriding the default styling of select>option. I've tried removing each linked library one by one, but it didn't solve the problem. Additionally, I attempted to apply a .clear-css class to the option elements like so:

.clear-css {

and then used jQuery to add this class to all options just before rendering them:


However, the options remained blank. I also tried:

.clear-css {

Still no luck. Adding the clear-css class to the select element itself made the entire select element disappear.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?

Answer №1

Ensure to input the values for each choice within the <option> tags. The value does not necessarily have to correspond with the text itself. In truth, it is typically recommended to eliminate any special characters or spaces when interacting with external APIs. Here's how:

// This example JS code simply logs the updated value upon selection
const select = document.getElementById('accountBrokerageName');
select.addEventListener('change', () => console.log(select.value));
<label for="accountBrokerageName">Brokerage:</label>
<select id="accountBrokerageName">
 <option value="" disabled selected>Choose an option...</option>
 <option value="interactive-brokers-llc">Interactive Brokers, LLC</option>
 <option value="vanguard">Vanguard</option>

Answer №2

Please ensure that the selected values are among the available <option> tags:

<label for="accountBrokerageName">Brokerage:</label>
<select id="accountBrokerageName">
 <option value="Charles Schwab">Charles Schwab</option>
 <option value="Fidelity Investments">Fidelity Investments</option>

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