What is the best way to position two out of the three link tags to the right side?

This is the code snippet I am currently working with:

         <a id="btnAutoSuggest">Suggest Title</a>
         <a id="btnOK">OK</a>
         <a id="btnCancel">Cancel</a>

My goal is to align the OK and Cancel buttons to the right. Can anyone provide guidance on how to achieve this? If needed, I have created a plunker to showcase the issue.

Answer №1

To align buttons side by side, you can utilize the float property:

 #btnOK, #btnCancel {
   width: 90px;

For a live example, view this link

Alternatively, you can change the order of buttons in the HTML to place the OK button first:

<td >
  <a id="btnAutoSuggest">Suggest Title</a>
  <a id="btnCancel">Cancel</a>
  <a id="btnOK">OK</a>

For a demonstration, refer to this website

Answer №2

When faced with this specific situation, my approach would be similar to the following.


    <td >
        <a id="btnAutoSuggest">Suggest Title</a>
        <div class="align-right">
            <a id="btnOK">OK</a>
            <a id="btnCancel">Cancel</a>


        float: right;

The decision to group the buttons within a div was intentional, as it allows for easier styling such as adding padding or margins from various directions, ensuring that all controls stay aligned.

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