What is the best way to position a sticky element on top of an image?

When designing my website, I encountered an issue with a "sticky element" and a series of images below it. As I scroll down, the "sticky element" ends up hiding behind the images, making it invisible. I'm seeking a solution to keep the "sticky element" visible as I scroll. I attempted using the CSS property "z-index" without success (it's possible I'm not utilizing it correctly).

div {
  position: sticky;

    "Sticky element"
  <img src="https://www.cecidiomas.es/images/cecidiomases/684-thinking-of-getting-a-cat-international-cat-care-3435.png">
  <img src="https://www.cecidiomas.es/images/cecidiomases/684-thinking-of-getting-a-cat-international-cat-care-3435.png">

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, you actually don't need to use z-index. It's possible that you may have forgotten to include a 'top' value for your sticky element. I also included a pink background just to make the element stand out more, but that part is optional.

Remember, z-index is only necessary if other elements following it also have a z-index defined.

  position: sticky;
  top: 0;
  background: pink;
<div id="sticky">
  "Sticky element"
 <img src="https://www.cecidiomas.es/images/cecidiomases/684-thinking-of-getting-a-cat-international-cat-care-3435.png">
 <img src="https://www.cecidiomas.es/images/cecidiomases/684-thinking-of-getting-a-cat-international-cat-care-3435.png">

Answer №2

If you're looking for a solution to create a sticky element, the code below might be helpful. Without knowing why you want to use sticky, this code works in the same way as requested.

  position: fixed;
  background-color: beige;
  width: 100%;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  padding: 10px 10px;

  "Sticky element"
 <img src="https://www.cecidiomas.es/images/cecidiomases/684-thinking-of-getting-a-cat-international-cat-care-3435.png">
 <img src="https://www.cecidiomas.es/images/cecidiomases/684-thinking-of-getting-a-cat-international-cat-care-3435.png">

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