What is the best way to position a div at the center between two other divs on the left and right?

My goal is to create a layout similar to THIS, with 3 buttons aligned in a row - one on the left, one in the center, and one on the right. I want to achieve this using CSS and divs instead of tables.

I have managed to position the left and right buttons correctly using floats. However, I'm struggling to get the center button to stay inline with the other two without jumping out of the line.

Here's what I've attempted:


<div class="left" ><input type="button" value="left" /></div>
<!--<div class="center" ><input type="button" value="center" /></div>-->
<div class="right" ><input type="button" value="right" /></div>

<!-- If I uncomment the center div, the right one appears in another block, below the others-->


.left {
.right {
    /*what do i put here??*/

I've created a fiddle here to demonstrate the issue.

Any suggestions on how I can achieve this layout and get as close as possible to the example with table layout?

Note: I've searched for similar questions but couldn't find any that address this exact problem.

Answer №1

Consider this alternative:

.left {
    width: 33.3%
.right {
    width: 33.3%;
    text-align: right;
    float: left;
    width: 33.3%;
    text-align: center;


Updated based on feedback received

If you wish to add borders, it is necessary to adjust the widths accordingly. CSS follows a box model where total width includes margin + border + padding + content (determined by width property). You can explore a demonstration showcasing how to incorporate 1px borders in each div while adapting the width proportionately.

Answer №2

Here's a neat little trick (revised for the 2nd time).

To achieve the desired layout, simply move the .center div after the two floated elements:

<div class="left">
    <input type="button" value="left" />
<div class="right">
    <input type="button" value="right" />
<div class="center">
    <input type="button" value="center" />

In your CSS, use text-align: center to easily center the input button as it is an inline element.

.left {
.right {
.center {
    text-align: center;
    outline: 1px dotted blue; /* this shows the content box limits */
    margin: 0 150px;

How It Works

Floated elements are positioned either to left or right edge of the parent container with their top edge being adjacent to the top of the parent container OR the bottom edge of the closest block element before the floated element.

If you want the left and right floated elements to be on the same horizontal line, they need to be next to each other, which is why the .center element comes after them.

The content from the .center element (in this case, the input button) wraps around the left and right floated elements, causing the length of the inline box (a box holding the content) to shorten. This allows room for the floated elements and leads the content line extending between them. The text-align: center centers the input button within this shortened inline box, resulting in off-center appearance if left and right buttons have unequal lengths.

To overcome this, provide some space for the floats. One way is setting equal left and right margins like margin: 0 150px.

If the labels are known beforehand, figuring out the margin value is simple enough.

However, all three label lengths must be shorter than the line's length for this to work effectively.

Please refer to the updated demo.

View Demo on Fiddle

Answer №3

Check out the grids documentation at

This tool is my go-to for all projects. It's simple to use and can be customized easily.

Quick solution:

.unit {
    float: left;
.last-unit {
    float: none;
    display: table-cell;
    width: auto;
.size1of3 {
    width: 33.33333%;
.pull-content-right {
    text-align: right;
.pull-content-left {
    text-align: left;
.center-content {
    text-align: center;

<div class=”line”>
    <div class=”unit size1of3 pull-content-left”>
    <div class=”unit size1of3 center-content”>
    <div class=”unit size1of3 last-unit pull-content-right”>

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