What is the best way to navigate to a component from a different component in Angular?

After spending countless hours, even a couple of days, trying to solve this issue, I still can't find a solution. I've exhausted all options and haven't come across a similar case.

My goal is to smoothly scroll to another component on my one-page website from a navigation bar, which is a separate component. The structure of my main app component is as follows:

    <app-page-one id="page-one"></app-page-one>
    <app-page-two id="page-two"></app-page-two>
    <app-page-three id="page-three"></app-page-three>

Each component has a unique id assigned for identification during scrolling.

I am trying to implement a feature where clicking the "Page Three" button in the navbar will smoothly scroll down to the page three component. The structure of my navbar component is as follows:

<body class="body">
    <header class="header">
        <a href="#" class="logo">LOGO</a>
        <div class="menu-toggle">
            <fa-icon [icon]="faBars" transform="grow-20"></fa-icon>
        <nav class="nav">
                    <a href="#">Page One</a>
                    <a href="#">Page Two</a>
                <li >
                    <a href="#">Page Three</a>

I have attempted using Ngx Page Scroll and other methods, but have been unable to achieve the desired functionality. I am considering using Input Output for communication between components. Any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

If you want to achieve smooth scrolling in Angular, you have two options: using the Angular router fragment or the Angular cdk. Personally, I find the Angular router to be the simplest method, but I'll provide the link to the Angular cdk just in case you prefer that approach.

The first step is to add a style tag in your index.html file to enable smooth scrolling:

 html {
  scroll-behavior: smooth;

You can customize the scroll offset according to your preferences. In your app-router.module.ts:

 imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes,  {scrollPositionRestoration: 'enabled', anchorScrolling: 'enabled', scrollOffset: [0, 64]})]

Next, in your component.ts file, update the routerLinks to include fragments for smooth scrolling:

                <a routerLink="." fragment="page-one" >Page One</a>
                <a routerLink="." fragment="page-two">Page Two</a>
            <li >
                <a routerLink="." fragment="page-three">Page Three</a>

Additionally, make sure to add the style to your component.css file for smooth scrolling:

cursor: pointer

You can use the same approach to scroll to fragments on other views as well. Here is the link to the Angular documentation for more information: https://angular.io/api/router/RouterLink

When adding fragments, it's recommended to use the # symbol before the fragment name. For more details on the Angular cdk approach, visit: https://material.angular.io/cdk/scrolling/overview

Answer №2

To ensure ngx-page-scroll moves the viewport to the desired element.id, each href must reference the specific element.id. Here is an example structure for the body:

    <a href="#page-one">Page One</a>
    <a href="#page-two">Page Two</a>
<li >
     <a href="#page-three">Page Three</a>

For instance, on the npm page, if you visit https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-page-scroll#usage, you will notice a link with an element reference (#usage) to the Usage section (id="usage") of the documentation.

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