What is the best way to mirror an image using CSS3?

I'm looking to create a minimalist front page for my wife's jewelry website. I envision a simple layout with a blurred background and a sleek title at the top. In the center of the page, there will be several sections dedicated to different types of jewelry (like necklaces and rings). My innovative idea involves using hover effects: when users hover over "necklaces," a square will flip to reveal an image of a necklace on the back. Clicking on the image will then redirect them to the product landing page.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to bring this concept to life?

Answer №1

It seems like you're looking to achieve a specific goal, and one way to do this is by using CSS3 to flip images. The transform property can help with that.

    transform: scaleY(-1);

By applying the scaleY(-1), you can vertically flip the image when hovered over. Alternatively, scaleX(-1) can be used for horizontal flipping.

For more information on CSS transforms, check out: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/transform

Feel free to view an example on JSFiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/L6mojwdt/

Answer №2

Not sure if this is the exact solution you are looking for, but you can refer to this demo and provide feedback. To achieve the desired effect, make use of the CSS properties rotateX and rotateY.


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