I am currently working on a website project for a Youtuber, and one of the features I'm implementing is a character editor.
The editor is almost complete, but now I want to enable users to save their customized character as an image. You can access the editor through this link: . I have created options for selecting a beret and a face. The beret has a transparent background with #ededed color to allow for customization.
Here is the RBB Slider code snippet:
var hat = document.getElementById("editor-beret");
var r = document.querySelector('#r');
var g = document.querySelector('#g');
var b = document.querySelector('#b');
var r_out = document.querySelector('#r_out');
var g_out = document.querySelector('#g_out');
var b_out = document.querySelector('#b_out');
function setColor(){
var r_hex = parseInt(r.value, 10).toString(16),
g_hex = parseInt(g.value, 10).toString(16),
b_hex = parseInt(b.value, 10).toString(16),
hex = "#" + pad(r_hex) + pad(g_hex) + pad(b_hex);
hat.style.backgroundColor = hex;
function pad(n){
return (n.length<2) ? "0"+n : n;
// Event listeners for sliders
r.addEventListener('change', function() {
r_out.value = r.value;
}, false);
r.addEventListener('input', function() {
r_out.value = r.value;
}, false);
g.addEventListener('change', function() {
g_out.value = g.value;
}, false);
g.addEventListener('input', function() {
g_out.value = g.value;
}, false);
b.addEventListener('change', function() {
b_out.value = b.value;
}, false);
b.addEventListener('input', function() {
b_out.value = b.value;
}, false);
(Please visit directly instead of running the code snippet.) Based on the user's input:
I am looking to remove the background from the beret image and fill it with the selected color dynamically. Additionally, I aim to save the composite image of the beret and face together. How should I approach this task?