What is the best way to make my a tag background appear above my div background?

Beginner question here. I am experimenting with z-index, but it doesn't seem to be functioning as expected. Below is the code snippet I am working with:

<a id="favoritelink" href="#" style="margin-left: 600px" class="addtofavorites" title="Add to Favorites"></a>
<div class="description" style="margin-top: -18px">
   Some description

In my CSS, I have set a z-index of 1 for .description and 10 for .addtofavorites. #favoritelink includes a background image and text that is placed far off-screen (basically an image link). Despite this setup, the background of .description remains above the background of .addtofavorites.

I want the background of .addtofavorites to appear on top.

Here are the CSS styles for .addtofavorites and .description:

    background:url(img/plus.png) no-repeat center;

Answer №1

In order for z-index to function properly, you must utilize either position: relative or position: absolute.

Update: Here is the link to a modified version of your code on jsfiddle. I have included position: relative and decreased the margin-left on .favoritelink so it displays correctly in the preview window.

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