What is the best way to incorporate multiple calculations in JavaScript?

As a newcomer to JavaScript, I am trying my hand at creating an online tax calculator for our website. While I can understand pre-written calculations, developing my own has proven to be challenging. The objective is simple: the user inputs their Gross Income and clicks "Calculate" to see Tax Payable, Medicare Levy, and Net Income (Gross-Tax-Medicare).

Currently, I have found some foundational code for tax calculations, but I need to tweak it for accuracy. The issue lies in correctly applying the Medicare value as there are actually three different levels based on income brackets.

I'm struggling with merging these calculations and subtracting them from Gross Income to get the Net Result. Before diving into the final calculation, I want to figure out how to integrate multiple functions in one script.

Building this calculator step by step seems like the best approach, yet I hit a roadblock right away. For testing purposes, you can view the progress at .

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as I await guidance from a JavaScript tutorial to deepen my understanding of the language.

The new Medicare calculation I'm looking to incorporate is outlined below:

// Updated Medicare Calculation:
if (income > 0 && income <= 19404) {
    medicare = (income * 0) / 100;
else if (income > 19404 && income <= 22828) {
    medicare = (income * 10) / 100;
else if (income > 22828) {
    medicare = (income * 1.5) / 100;

Answer №1

To implement the necessary JavaScript code, you can utilize a structure similar to this snippet:

// Ensure jQuery library is included
    // Trigger calculation on button click
    $('#calculate').on('click', function(){
        // Retrieve user-entered income from input field
        var income = parseInt($('#preIncome').val().trim()),
            postIncome = 0,
            medicare = 0;
        if(income > 0){
            // Calculate Medicare based on income brackets
            if (income > 0 && income <= 19404) {
                medicare = (income * 0) / 100;
            else if (income > 19404 && income <= 22828) {
                medicare = (income * 10) / 100;
            else if (income > 22828) {
                medicare = (income * 1.5) / 100;
            // Update post-income based on calculated Medicare
            postIncome = income - medicare;
        // Update output fields with new values

A live demonstration of this script can be found at: http://jsfiddle.net/pratik136/YdWNA/

Answer №2

To solve the problem at hand, it seems like utilizing two variables is key - one for the medicare calculation and another for the tax rate. By having these values established, you can then compute the net income.

In a JavaScript scenario, the implementation might resemble this approach:

var medicare;
var tax; 
var income;
// Here lies your medicare computation
if (income>0 && income<=19404) {
    medicare = (income*0)/100;
else if (income>19404 && income<=22828) {
    medicare = (income*10)/100;
else {
    medicare = (income*1.5)/100;
// A hypothetical Tax estimation (Actual rates unknown)
if (income>0 && income<=20000) {
    tax = (income*25)/100;
else {
    tax = (income*40)/100;
// Proceeding to derive the net income with the determined values
var netIncome = income - tax - medicare;

Answer №3

Here is the core of your form:

<form name="calc">

  Gross Income: <input type="text" class="innerc resform" size="15" name="income">

  <input type="button" onclick="calculate(this)" name="result" value="Calculate"

  Income Tax:    <input type="text" size="15" class="resform" name="tax">
  Medicare Levy: <input type="text" size="15" class="resform" name="medicare">
  Net Income:    <input type="text" size="15" class="resform" name="net">

If you pass this from the calculate button (note the changed listener and addition of a value), a function to calculate the medicare levy can be:

function calculate(element) {
  var form = element.form;
  var income = form.income.value;

  // 0 for income less than threshold
  var medicare = 0;

  // Add 1% of income between 19404 and 22828
  if (income > 19404 && income <= 22828) {
    medicare = (income - 19404) * 0.01;

  // Add 1.5% of income over 22828
  if (income > 22828) {
    medicare += (income - 22828) * 0.015;

This should help you get started.

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