What is the best way to incorporate hyperlinks or text color modifications to a variable string in JavaScript?

I have a website that features a random on-load slideshow with text displayed in div containers for each slide. I am looking to enhance the functionality by adding links or changing the color of specific words within the text. You can view my current progress on this JSFIDDLE link: http://jsfiddle.net/shadna/Agq7W/

For your convenience, here is the code snippet:


    $('#homebanner').css({backgroundColor: "#000"}); 
    var totalCount = 4; 
    var num = Math.ceil( Math.random() * totalCount );

    function setBGImage() { 
        var bgimage = 'http://bwpcommunications.com/TESTING/images/homepage/'+num+'.jpg';
        $('#htxt').html(hText[num - 1]);
        $('#hsubtxt').html(hsubText[num - 1]);


<div id="homebanner">
    <div id="hwrap">
        <div id="htxt"></div>
    <div id="hsubtxt"></div>

I would greatly appreciate any guidance or tips from experienced JavaScript users.

Answer №1

Initially, let's simplify and modify the code:

jQuery(function ($) {
        backgroundColor: "#000"

    // consolidating all information in an array of objects:
    var details = [{
        head: 'WE SPEAK ARCHITECTURE',
        sub: 'EDA ARCHITECTS',
        link: 'http://example.com/edaarchitects.html'
    }, {
        head: 'WE HAVE HIGH SPIRIT(S)',
        sub: 'HIGH WEST DISTILLARY',
        link: 'http://example.com/highwestdistillary.html'
    }, {
        link: 'http://example.com/architecturalnexus.html'
    }, {
        head: 'FOREVER IN BLUE JEANS',
        sub: 'VAULT DENIM',
        link: 'http://example.com/vault-denim.html'
        // determining upper bounds for random number generation based on details array size:
        num = Math.floor(Math.random() * details.length),

        // storing relevant object for future use:
        item = details[num];

    function setBGImage() {
        // adjusting indexing for images to account for non-zero starting point:
        var bgimage = 'http://bwpcommunications.com/TESTING/images/homepage/' + (num + 1) + '.jpg';
            backgroundImage: "url(" + bgimage + ")",

        // modifying 'sub' text by removing 'CLIENT:' since it is present in all items
        // creating 'a' element using 'link' data from object:
        $('#hsubtxt').html('CLIENT: ' + '<a href="' + item.link + '">' + item.sub + '</a>');

JS Fiddle example.

Answer №2

Is my understanding correct: You are looking to randomly populate a container with one of your projects?

Here's a simpler suggestion for you:

Create all the containers in HTML without using javascript. Then, based on a random number as an index, show only one of the containers randomly. This approach is much easier and requires less javascript work. There's no need for complex coding!

If you assign a class called .banner to all banners, you can easily target them in JavaScript like this:

$('.banner').eq(yourRandomNumber).css('display', 'block');

Make sure all other banners have display: none.

Also, I noticed in your code that you have multiple IDs for elements with similar styles. It's better to use classes instead and define the properties once. For example:

.banner {
    -webkit-background-size: cover;
    -moz-background-size: cover;
    -o-background-size: cover;
    background-size: cover;

You only need separate classes for styles that are different (try to minimize the use of IDs):

.faithologybanner {
    background: url(/TESTING/images/elements/banner_faithology001.jpg) no-repeat center top; 

Answer №3

It seems like this is the solution you are looking for (only modifications posted here)

var hsubText = [
    { client : "EDA ARCHITECTS", url : 'http://example.com' },
    { client : "HIGH WEST DISTILLERY",  url : 'http://example.com'},
    { client : "ARCHITECTURAL NEXUS",  url : 'http://example.com' },
    { client : "VAULT DENIM",  url : 'http://example.com' }
function setBGImage()
    var bgimage = 'http://bwpcommunications.com/TESTING/images/homepage/'+num+'.jpg';
    $('#homebanner').css({ 'backgroundImage':'url('+bgimage+')' }); 
    $('#htxt').html(hText[num - 1]);
    var client = hsubText[num - 1].client;
    var url = hsubText[num - 1].url;
    $('#hsubtxt').html('CLIENT : <a href="'+url+'">'+client+'</a>');


#hwrap a { color:red }


Revised : (As requested by OP in the commentary)

function setBGImage()
    var bgimage = 'http://bwpcommunications.com/TESTING/images/homepage/'+num+'.jpg';
    $('#homebanner').css({ 'backgroundImage':'url('+bgimage+')' }); 
    var words = hText[num - 1].split(' ');
    var wordsFirst = words.shift();
    $('#htxt').html($('<span/>', { text:wordsFirst, style:'color:yellow'})).append(' '+ words.join(' '));
    var client = hsubText[num - 1].client;
    var url = hsubText[num - 1].url;
    $('#hsubtxt').html('CLIENT : <a href="'+url+'">'+client+'</a>');


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