Creating dual modes (night/day) for your AngularJS application

Currently, I am in the process of developing a project with Angularjs and facing an obstacle with animations.
My goal is to implement a feature in my application that allows it to display in two different modes - night mode and day mode. I have come across using the theme provider to switch the theme whenever the mode changes. However, I am wondering if there are any other solutions available for achieving this functionality. For instance, could cascading style sheets be utilized and if so, how would they be implemented?
I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions on the most effective way to approach this challenge.
Thank you

Answer №1

To create a day/night mode effect, simply switch the CSS class on the body element based on the time of day.

<body ng-class="{'night-mode': isNight()}">

In your CSS file, define styles for both the default theme and the night mode:

body div {
    background-color: gray;

body.night-mode div {
    background-color: blue;

Within your AngularJS controller, create a function to check if it's nighttime:

function controller($scope) {
    $scope.isNight = function() {
        var hours = new Date().getHours();
        return hours > 19 || hours < 8;

This is just an example to get you started!

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