What is the best way to incorporate custom CSS into an angular-fullstack application?

I'm interested in incorporating an image into a jumbotron and adjusting its width correctly, similar to what was discussed in this question: Bootstrap image to jumbotron width

However, I am unsure of where to place my custom CSS code to achieve the desired width.


This code will then be optimized through bundling and minification for better performance.

Answer №1

When working with your package or system

      make sure to place your CSS files in either of these directories:

It is important to add your css files to whichever folder exists.

Answer №2

In my humble opinion, the most effective way to achieve this is by utilizing LESS. By creating a theme.less file and incorporating all the original Bootstrap files you desire, along with your own custom overrides in the same file, you can streamline the process. Detailed instructions for this technique can be found in this helpful tutorial.

The advantage of using LESS is that it compiles into a single CSS file, simplifying the minification process in your current setup. Additionally, this method enables you to work independently from the original Bootstrap files, allowing for seamless updates without complications down the line.

Alternatively, if you only have one CSS rule to modify, consider adjusting your grunt installation to combine a small CSS file containing your custom rule(s) with your main.css file and minify them together. This can be achieved through the configuration provided in the cssmin plugin documentation here. Alternatively, you could opt for the user-friendly approach of using Brunch (it's much simpler! :-)

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