What is the best way to include an alert message in the res.writehead function of http node.js, specifically when using res.writeHead(301, { "Location": "/path/within/site" })?

      res.writeHead(301,  "<!DOCTYPE html>" +
      "<html lang='en' dir='ltr'>" +
      "<head>" +
         "<met charset='utf-8'>" +
          "<title>Hola Mundo</title>" +
        "</head>" +
       "<body>" +
         "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('DOne')</script>" +
     "</body>" +  "</html>", { "Location": "http://localhost:8086/uploadform" });

Instead of displaying the alert message first as expected, it is redirecting directly to the given link. I would like the alert message to be shown before being redirected.

Answer №1

If you want to achieve the desired outcome, consider wrapping everything in the script block:

 res.writeHead(301,  "<!DOCTYPE html>" +
  "<html lang='en' dir='ltr'>" +
  "<head>" +
     "<met charset='utf-8'>" +
      "<title>Hola Mundo</title>" +
    "</head>" +
   "<body>" +
     "<script type='text/javascript'>document.onreadystatechange=function(){alert('DOne')}</script>" +
 "</body>" +  "</html>", { "Location": "http://localhost:8086/uploadform" });

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