What is the best way to include a search box in the mobile view between the brand and menu toggle?

Is there a way to place the search bar between the brand and menu toggle on the mobile view without it appearing on a separate row either under or over the navbar? I've been trying to override some Bootstrap CSS but haven't found a solution yet.

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Answer №1

To solve this issue without viewing your CSS, some educated guesses will need to be made. While there are multiple ways to achieve the desired outcome, the following steps should help.

Firstly, ensure that your brand, search, and menu toggle elements are enclosed within your navbar.

<nav class="navbar">
    <a class="navbar-brand"></a>
    <form class="navbar-form"></form>
    <a class="dropdown-toggle"></a>

Next, confirm that your navbar has adequate width to accommodate displaying all elements on a single line.

.navbar {
    width: 100%;    // adjust as needed

Finally, you have various options for aligning these elements on the same line. Experiment with different methods to find what suits your layout best.

Option #1:

.navbar {
    display: block;
.dropdown-toggle {    
    display: inline-block;
    width: 33%;   // equal horizontal width for each element

Option #2:

.navbar {
    display: table;
.dropdown-toggle {    
    display: table-cell;

Option #3:

.navbar {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    align-items: center;    // vertically center elements
.dropdown-toggle {    
    flex: 1;    // equal horizontal width for each element

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